PLD Chamber Choir
Hannah Broomhall
Sydney Cobb Emily Cooper Gabrielle Counts Hailee Robertson Divya Sunderam Julia Todd |
Savanna Arnold
Cate Cunningham Jasmine Davis Caitlin Labianca Rachel Seevers Danae Stewart Olivia Tussey Katie Vicary |
Addison Adams
Nick Clevenger Christian Skinker Max Taylor |
Dylan Beers
Jack Burton Andy Du George Gordon Samuel Isenhour James Lechleiter Angus Maske Sean Weller |
Attuned to Thee
"The depth with which we understand each other and our music is greater now than ever before." -Angus
"I've learned to appreciate the beauty of my voice and others. Just as much as I became attuned to the choir, I became attuned to myself." -Rachel "We are best when we are together." -Olivia "Everyone here has a different set of goals and personalities and different things going on outside of choir, but when we walk in the door we are all here for the same reason and all so willing to help one another." -Sydney |
"Shoulder to shoulder vowels properly rounded
starting as a pebble, finishing as a boulder. Melting like snow, we form a unified puddle. Clear as day we ring, day by day we sing improving step by step memorizing line by line feeling the rhythm as one." -Dylan "By making an effort to understand our fellow choir members beyond the choir room doors, we are able to present a beautiful program and friendships that will go far beyond the stage." -Hannah |
Text & Translations
Kyrie Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Ehre sei Gott Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe und Friede auf Erden und den Menschen ein Wohlgefallen! Wir loben dich, wir benedeien dich, wir beten dich an, wir preisen dich, wir sagen dir Dank um deiner großen Herrlichkeit willen. Herr Gott! Himmlischer König! Allmächtiger Vater! Herr, du eingeborner Sohn, Jesu Christe! Herr, Gott, du Lamm Gottes, Sohn des Vaters! Der du die Sünde der Welt trägst, erbarme dich unser! Der du die Sünde der Welt trägst, nimm an unser Gebet. Der du sitzest zur Rechten des Vaters, erbarme dich unser! Denn du allein bist heilig, denn du allein bist der Herr, du allein bist der Allerhöchste, Jesus Christus mit dem Heiligen Geiste in der Herrlichkeit Gottes, des Vaters. Amen. Chi salira per me Chi salirà per me, Madonn' in cielo a riportarn' il mio perdut' ingegno, Che, poi ch'usci da' bei vostr' occhi il telo, Che'l cor mi fiss', ognor perdendo vegno? Nè di tanta jattura mi querelo, pur chè non cresca, ma stia a questo segno; Ch'io dubito, se più se va scemando, che stolto me n'andrò pel mond' errando. Baba Yetu Baba yetu, yetu ulive mbinguni yetu, yetu amina! Baba yetu, yetu ulive jina lako e litukuzwe. Utupe leo chakula chetu tunachohitaji, utusamehe makosa yetu, hey! Kama nasi tunayyowasamehe waliotukosea usitutie katika majaribu, lakini utuokoe, na yule, muoye e milele! Ufalme wako ufike utakalo lifanyike duniani kama mbinguni. Amina. Thou Art My Lute (Paul Laurence Dunbar) Thou art my lute, by thee I sing, My being is attuned to thee. Thou settest all my words a-wing, and meltest me to melody. Thou art my life, by thee I live, From thee proceed the joys I know. Sweetheart, thy hand hath power to give the meed of love - the cup of woe. Thou art my love, by thee I lead my soul the paths of light along. From vale to vale from mead to mead. and home it in the hills of song. My song, my soul, my life, my all. why need I pray or make my plea, since my petition cannot fall; For I'm already one with thee. Even When He is Silent I believe in the sun even when it's not shining. I believe in love even when I feel it not. I believe in God even when he is silent. |
Kyrie Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Ehre sei Gott Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou alone art holy; thou alone art the Lord; you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ with the holy ghost in the glory of God, the Father. Amen. Chi salira per me Madonna, who will scale the high ascent Of heaven, to me my judgment to restore, Which, since from your bright eyes the weapon went, that pierced my heart, is wasting evermore? Yet will not I such mighty loss lament, so that it drain no faster than before; But — ebbing further — I should fear to be so wandering and go made like me. Baba Yetu Our Father, who art in Heaven amen! Our Father who art hallowed be thy name. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us of our trespasses! As we forgive others who trespass against us, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one forever! Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. |

Tiffany Marsh is a native of Southern Indiana. She received her Bachelor of Music Education degree in voice and piano and Master of Music Performance degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Louisville, studying with Dr. Kent Hatteberg..
Tiffany has been an adjudicator for KMEA festivals as well as a guest conductor for All-State regional rehearsals and the Jefferson County All-County Chorus in 2009 and 2013. In June of 2003, she attended the International Seminar for Choral Conductors held at the Bavarian Music Academy in Marktoberdorf, Germany. Along with her husband, Ryan Marsh, they served as staff members of the Kentucky Music Ambassadors European program and represented the Central Kentucky region from 2008-2010. They also served as the District 7 All-State Chorus co-chairpersons from 2006-2009. She has held the position of newsletter editor of the Kenductor, the yearly publication of the Kentucky chapter of the American Choral Directors Association and currently is the KYACDA webmaster. Tiffany earned her National Board Teaching certification in 2012.
And In 2018, Mrs. Marsh was recognized as Kentucky's High School Teacher of the Year through the Kentucky Department of Education.
Tiffany is in her fifteenth year as choral director, ten years at Western Hills High School in Frankfort and now in her fifth year at PLD High School in Lexington.
Tiffany has been an adjudicator for KMEA festivals as well as a guest conductor for All-State regional rehearsals and the Jefferson County All-County Chorus in 2009 and 2013. In June of 2003, she attended the International Seminar for Choral Conductors held at the Bavarian Music Academy in Marktoberdorf, Germany. Along with her husband, Ryan Marsh, they served as staff members of the Kentucky Music Ambassadors European program and represented the Central Kentucky region from 2008-2010. They also served as the District 7 All-State Chorus co-chairpersons from 2006-2009. She has held the position of newsletter editor of the Kenductor, the yearly publication of the Kentucky chapter of the American Choral Directors Association and currently is the KYACDA webmaster. Tiffany earned her National Board Teaching certification in 2012.
And In 2018, Mrs. Marsh was recognized as Kentucky's High School Teacher of the Year through the Kentucky Department of Education.
Tiffany is in her fifteenth year as choral director, ten years at Western Hills High School in Frankfort and now in her fifth year at PLD High School in Lexington.